I sat down and analyzed some of Garcia's last few rounds of various tournaments, re-watching the 2007 British Open, then watching the 08 PGA Championships, concluding that Sergio has developed a severe case of Normanitus!
As we all know, Sergio dated Morgan-Leigh Norman back in 2006. Can Normanitus be contracted from another person? Science would lead me to believe so. Greg Norman was quoted as saying that "Sergio's a great guy" while the two were an item. But as any father knows, that reply was to satisfy the hungry media. Norman knew that Sergio would some day receive his just deserts and it appears those days have come.
It would seem that Normanitus has a tendency to give someone almost super human powers, and then it strikes, completely disabling the nerves that would normally stop you choking on the golf course. An important doctor informed me that these nerves are found in the part of the nervous system that controls ones golfing under pressure and ones ability to choose a decent hairstyle. Garcia is clearly suffering from these two symptoms, which leads me to the conclusion that Sergio has developed full-blown Normanitus.
Unfortunately, there is no known cure for Normanitus yet, but there is nothing wrong with silver!
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