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Golf Streakers!

Golf Streaking is as important to golf as filling out your card at the end of the round. Streakers are athletic, vibrant folk that love nothing more than being nude. They're risk takers, golf’s unsung and golf’s misunderstood.

So who are these naked fans and what inspires such courage to become nude and run onto a golf course?

I was lucky enough to run with a young Australian named Sean, a Monday to Friday fitter and turner and serial weekend Golf Streaker, during a legendary streak in 1987 and he was kind enough to answer my questions before he was tackled abruptly and wrapped in a raincoat.

*Puffing Me: Thanks for giving me a chance to speak with you about Golf Streaking Sean!
Sean: No worries mate, but you better make this quick, you’re slowing me down!
Me: So how long have you been streaking and when was your first streak?
Sean: Going on 2 years now, I cut my teeth on the western suburbs soccer fields, arguably the toughest streaking fraternity known to man. That taught me to be quick like a gazelle with the agility of a panther.
Me: Yes, I see. So being nude in public is obviously something your fine with?
Sean: I'm naked fast, I’m taking Golf Streaking to the next level so get on board it’s going to be a hell of a ride!
Me: I’d prefer not to ‘get on board’ thanks Sean
Sean: No worries mate!

Sean was right, I did slow him down and he was 'tackle tackled' before we even got to the fairway.

Good luck Sean and get well soon!

For more golf humor, click HERE: